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Progressive Review for the month(s) of : May - 2021,

Showing Page Number : 53 of 69

Code Scheme Name District of Location Commen. Comple. PC - I Status Status
Orignnal / Revised
PFY Expenditure Original
Releases Expenditure Acc. Expenditure Throw Forward Targets Achievements Remarks Images
150287-Improvement of Takht-e-Bhai Rajjar Road from Ghani Khan road to Saro Shah (14 km), District Charsadda.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 1498.019 491.425 50 75 75 75 566.425 956.594 36% 38%
May - 2021
03- Packages Package -I (5Km) completed. Package-II& III in progress. Demand - Rs 1218 M.
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Package-1? 5-KM... (Ghani Khan Road to Munaf Kali)
Package-2? 5-KM... (Munaf Kali to Ahmadabad)
Package-3? 4.025 -KM... (Ahmadabad to Saro Shah Bridge)
140620-Re-construction of Bridge at Tor Warsak Daggar & widening/improvement & BT of 18 KM leftover portion of Swarai Pir Qilla Puran Road, District Buner.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 1017.223 285.579 50 99 99 99 384.579 681.644 33% 38%
May - 2021
Pack-1 Bridge - completed, Road in Pack-1 (6 Km) - Pack-II = (06Km) Pack=III (6.85 Km) sub base, Embankement, Sub grade WBM, Wearing Course, R/wall, & S/Work in progress.
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Package-I (Reconstruction of Bridge at Tor Warsak Daggar)
Package-II (BT/Widen of 18 KM Leftover portion of Swarai Pir Qilla Puran Road Buner)
Package-III (6 KM)
Package-IV (6.85 KM)
170566-Widening, Improvement and BT of Swari, Dewana Baba road (11 Km) including RCC Bridge at Tangu, District Buner
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 1464.977 94.575 50 50 50 50 144.575 1320.402 10% 10%
May - 2021
03-Packages) Pack-1 = (5Km) Pack-II =(6Km) Pack--III (Bridge) Pack-1 sub base, Embankement, Sub grade WBM, Wearing Course, R/wall, & S/Work in progress. Bridge in pack-III not yet started.
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Package-I .?. 5 - KM Road
Package-II.?. 6 - KM Road
Package-III.?. Bridge
141030-Construction & Blacktopping of Manglawar to Malam Jabba Road 35 KM, District Swat.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 2257.599 1766.373 196.226 196.226 196.226 196.226 1962.599 295 87% 87%
May - 2021
35 Km (3 Packages) 25 Km BT completed. Brdiges in progress. Completion : June-2021.
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Package-1 (12 Km)? Rs. 321.796 M
Package-2 (12 Km)? Rs. 391.766 M
Package-3 (11.250 Km)? Rs. 366.934 M
160630-F/S, Design and Construction of 2 No. Flyovers on Mingora Kanju Road SH: Mingora Bypass and Kanju Chowk, District Swat
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 1198.1 973.594 105.126 105.126 105.126 105.126 1078.72 119.38 90% 90%
May - 2021
02 Nos load Test completed. Working Piles completed (Mingora Flyover) Girdar 15 Nos cated.
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Mingora Bypass and Kanju Chowk.
180622-Feasibility studies of Oughday (Takhta Band) to Kabal Bridge & Ningolai to Allah Abad Bridge, Swat.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 12.4 8.823 3.577 3.577 3.577 0 8.823 0 100% 71%
May - 2021
work stopped due to motorway phase II. Overlapping with Swat Expressway Phase II. Scheme. Completion : June-2021.
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190510-Construction of Oughday (Takhta Band) to Kabal Bridge & Ningolai to Allah Abad Bridge, Swat.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 4303.024 0 80 0 0 0 0 0
May - 2021
work stopped due to motorway phase II. Bridges are overlapping the proposed aligment of swat Express-way.The issue has been discussed with Chief Minister KP and it was decided to keep hold the bridge till finalization of Express-way Phase-II
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190559-F/S, Detailed Engg and Constructioin of Matta Bypass Road (6 Km), Swat (Bypass road (6 Km) at Ditpanai to Baidara Tehsil Matta District Swat).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 474.946 466.5 35 35 35 35 501.5 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
5/8 Km overlapping with swat Expressway. Work in progress. Revised Pc-1 is under preparation.
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Package-I.?. 3-KM
Package-II.?. 5-KM
190561-Improvement and treatment of shoulders of Matta Fazal Banda road (23 Km), Swat
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 147 170 80 80 80 80 250 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
Work awarded to M/S Amanullah & Co. PCC Should 70% completed & further is in progress.
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140623-Construction of road from Balambat Timergara to Kalpani Maidan Link road District Dir Lower.
Dir Lower
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 689.999 382.725 40 40 40 40 422.725 267.274 61% 61%
May - 2021
Substantially completed. Shifting of Electric pole in progress.
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Package-1.?. 3.5-KM
Package-2.?. 3.5-KM
Package-3.?. 3.0-KM
160442-Constrcution of New RCC Bridge at Khazana Bypass over River Panjkora District Lower Dir. (SDG)
Dir Lower
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 410.621 308.938 80 80 80 80 388.938 21.683 95% 95%
May - 2021
Bridge (180 mtr) - 21 Piles completed. Transum,Girder launching, Deck Slabe, Abutment completed. L/S, R/s,R/Wall & protection work is in progess.
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90397-F/S and Construction of road from Chukiathan to Sheringal and Patrak by FHA (36 km) Dir Upper.
Dir Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 1798.521 1792.052 6.469 6.469 6.469 6.469 1798.521 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
Length 36 Km - 07- Packages subtantially completed. Completion : June-2021.
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1) Package-1 Km-0 to 9 (9 Km) Chukiatan to Sharmaye  
2) Package-2 Km-9 to 16 (7 Km) Sharmaye to Chinaran
3) Package-3 Km-17 to 24 (7 Km) Chinaran to Salol
4) Package-4 Km-24 to 31+797 m (7.8 Km) Salol to Patrak
5) Package-5 3 Nos bridges
6. Package-6 02 Nos Bridges
7. Package-7 33.979 Km Chukiatan to Patrak
140829-Improvement of 25 KM left over portion of Chukiyatan - Barawal - Shahi Road, District Dir (Upper).
Dir Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 973 399 50 50 50 50 449 524 46% 46%
May - 2021
Length 25 Km. 04 - Packages. Sub Base,Site cutting, WBM, Wearing course, R/Wall, Drain & Shulder in progress.
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Package-1 (Barawal Bandi to Jan Bati) 8-KM
Package-2 (Jan Bati to Shaltalo) 8-KM
Package-3 (Shaltalo to Marawaro) 5-KM
Package-4 (Marawaro to Shahi Top) 4-KM
140619-Widening / Dualization of Muree Chowk - Thandiani Chowk and Nawasher Link Road District Abbottabad.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 1131.489 947.075 50 50 50 50 997.075 134.414 88% 88%
May - 2021
Length 7.1 Km - Pack-1, 2 and 3 - completed. Pack-IV bridge in progress.
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Package-1 Muree Chowk to Board Office (3.1 KM)
Package-2 Board Office to Dharkan Bridge (4.0 KM)
Package-3 (04 Nos Bridges)
140877-Construction of Haripur Bypass Road (23-KM).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 4982.922 3269.313 100 198 198 198 3467.313 1613.609 68% 70%
May - 2021
Length 23 Km - (07-Packages) sub base, sub grade, ABC, AWC, in progress. Demand - Rs 2386.047 M.
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Package-1 Chungi No.11 Khanpur Road (5.250- KM)
Package-2 Panian to Chorh Village (5.250- KM)
Package-3 Chorch Village to Mankaray/Morha Mamdu (5.90 - KM)
Package-4 Mankaray/Morha Mamdu to Garh Village (4.20 - KM)
Package-5 Garh Village to Changi Bandi (3.83 - KM)
Package-6 03 Nos Birdges
Package-7 03 Nos Flyover
170629-Widening & Improvement of Tarnawa Kohala Bala Road (35 Km) District Haripur
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 2232.195 319.581 60 60 60 60 379.581 1852.614 17% 17%
May - 2021
package-I Completed Package 2 & 3 in progress Package 4 work stoped due to non availaitliy of drawing
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Package-1 (9-KM)
Package-2 (9-KM)
Package-3 (9-KM)
Package-4 (8-KM)
190341-Widening / Improvement / Rehabilitation of road from Beer to Kalangir on Haripur - Chappar Road Section of Provincial Highway S-12 (17 Km)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 1274.72 7.5 10 10 10 10 17.5 1257.22 1% 1%
May - 2021
work started on 1st scheme
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20665-Construction / Supervision of new Road Works.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 1831.155 1226.049 25 25 25 25 1251.049 580.106 68% 68%
May - 2021
Construction supervision of new road works. feasilbility study and design of 305 Km provincial roads.
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20675-F/S and Design of Projects of Various Roads.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 630 278.496 25 25 25 25 303.496 326.504 48% 48%
May - 2021
PC-II for Rs.30 m approved on 16/03/2021. Work start
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130198-Establishment of Axle Load Control Regime on Provincial Highways at 5- Stations.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 498.16 194.713 25 25 25 25 219.713 278.447 44% 44%
May - 2021
8 weight station as per revised PC-I. Work in progress. Package I 25% Package II 40% Package III 70%
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Package-1 (02 Nos of weight stations)
i. Timergara, Munda, Khar, Ghallani, Pirqalla, Peshawar at peshawar at Pirqalla (S-$
ii. Shahbazgara, Rustam, Ambella, Daggar, Karakar, Barikot road at Baba Serai
Package-2 (03 Nos of weight stations)
i. Kohat, Hungu, Thall, Parachinar
ii. Tajakzai, Lakki, Daratang Chashma Chowk
iii. Thall Mirali, Isha Razmak, Khirgi Tank, D.I Khan (Darya Khan)
Package-3 (03 Nos of weight stations)
i. Weight Station at Eastern Bypass Mardan (Eastern)
ii. Eastern Bypass Mardan at Entry point (Shifted to Rustum)
iii. Weight Station on (Western) Bypass Mardan Towards Charsdda Road.
140624-Dualization of Sherkot Hangu Section of Provincial Highway S-7 (24 KM), District Kohat and Hangu
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 2759.858 1647.193 100 198 198 198 1845.193 1012.665 63% 67%
May - 2021
Total Length: 22.529 KM Pac-I Aphat: 5.449/5.800) completed Pac-II Aphat: 5.133/5.750) completed Pac-III Aphat: 6.00/6.00) completed
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Package-1 (Sherkot to UsterzaI Bala) (5.643 - KM)
Package-2 (UsterzaI Bala to Raeesan) (5.626 - KM)
Package-3 (Raeesan to Babar Qilla) (5.628 - KM)
Package-4 (04 Nos Bridges) (5.5.632 - KM)
140878-Improvement & Widening of Nizampur - Kohat road (64 Kms), District Nowshera & Kohat
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 2796.766 1705.505 75 75 75 75 1780.505 1016.261 64% 64%
May - 2021
Pack-1 (7.3 Km) - Bridge is completed with 03- Expansion joints. Pack-II bridge is completed with expantion joints. Package -IV Bridge is completed except 02 Nos expansion joints Package-5 Bridge is completed except except 03 Nos expansion joints & approaches slabs. Sub base, WBM, WC of Pack-1,2&3 completed & remaining in progress.
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Package-1 (Village Kayai to Nizampur Bazar) 7.3 KM
Package-2 (Nizampur Bazar to Village Piran) 11.05 KM
Package-3 (Village Piran to Toray Stanay) 8.46 KM
Package-4 (Toray Stanay to Zamir Gul Dam) 8.67 KM
Package-5 (Zamir Gul Dam to Jabbar) 10 KM
Package-6 (Jabbar to Kohat Pindi Road) 12.94 KM
160193-Project Directorate for Swat Expressway.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 123.611 250 74.579 74.579 74.5785 74.579 324.579 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
3rd Revised PC-1 Amouting Rs 411 M has been approved by PDWD held on 26/08/20.
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180600-F/S, Design and Reconstruction of RCC Bridges i) Pir Bala on KM-7, Peshawar, ii) Kanawer Bridge on Charsadda Tangi Road, iii) Elai Bridge on S-10 at Buner and iv) Bridge on Haripur-Beer Section S-12 (Length-160m)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 668.596 230 40 40 40 40 270 398.596 40% 40%
May - 2021
04- Pacakges 1- Work order issued , work could not be stated due to paucity of fund. 2- Test Piles completed. 3- Arrangment of pile load test is in progress. 4- Test piles completed. Working piles 36/52 No completed. Prestressed girders 23/25 Nos completed.
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1. RCC Bridge Pir Bala
2. Kaniwar Bridge
3. Elai Kalay Bridge
4. Haripur Beer Road bridge
190511-F/S and detailed design of Peshawar - D.I.Khan Motorway.(320 KM).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 320 0 10 10 10 10 10 310 3% 3%
May - 2021
PC-I amounting to Rs: 276 has been clearted by PDWP & submitted to CDWP.
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190560-Construction of BT road from Balakot on Malam Jabba-Manglawar road to Shangla Top (6km)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 898.98 50 50 0 0 0 50 798.98 11% 6%
May - 2021
work stopped
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190551-Construction of Dual Carriageway from Chamkani to Badaber, Peshawar.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 17000 0 70 70 70 35 35 0
May - 2021
PC-II AA issued on 18-08-2020.
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190490-Construction of Flyover at Kulader Chowk Charsadda.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 920.92 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-II approved. Design finalized with consultant on 11/11/2020. PC-I under preparation Summary submitted for Change of Site
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190558-Dualization of Swabi Jehangira Road left over portion 11 Km i/c bridge on River Indus
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 3367.708 0 50 50 50 50 50 3317.708 1% 1%
May - 2021
Tender completed
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190531-F/S, Detailed Engg and Construction of Swat Expressway from Chakdarra to Fatehpur (Phase-II) (IDA Assisted)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 50 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
Tender has been floated on 22/02/2021 PC-I has been cleared by CDWP AA amounting to Rs. 20 billion has been issued against land acquisation
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200321-F/S and Construction of Kandian Valley - Kalam Road, Upper Kohistan.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-II approved for Rs-5.00 M in 2/10/2020 PDWP
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190556-F/S, Design & Reconst: of Bridges: Arsala(S-11), Aghan Pur(S-10), Drwaza Kas(S-8), Doghi (S-12), Bada on Swabi Topi Rd(S-1), Khyali(S-1), Matra (S-4), Machni (S-4), kababian (S-4), Dehri (S-10), Aloch Puran(S-10A), Chena on Swari Ambela Rd (S-10A)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 1990.727 0 50 50 50 50 50 1940.727 3% 3%
May - 2021
Procurement is under process.
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1. Aghan Pur Bridge Rustam Abella
2. Aloch Bridge Buner
3. Chena Bridge Buner
4. Gwaleraia Bridge Fazal Banda ROad
5. Drwaza Kas Bridge BN ROad
6. Doghi Bridge Oghi Darband ROad
31038-Emergency Rural Roads Rehabilitation Project (JICA Assisted).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 100 75.172 24.828 34.13 34.13 6.211 81.383 0 100% 81%
May - 2021
Total 522 Km - Provl Highways 100.81 Km, 100.85 Km. Completion : June-2021.
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100429-Construction of 13 Nos RCC Bridges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 114.982 0 0 0 0 0 0 114.982 - -
May - 2021
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1) RCC Bridge Ghundakai at Wali Noor Jani Khel
100429-Construction of 13 Nos RCC Bridges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 48.69 0 0 0 0 0 0 48.69 - -
May - 2021
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Construction of RCC Bridge on Nandehar Khawar
100429-Construction of 13 Nos RCC Bridges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 100.651 0 10 10 10 8.198 8.198 90.651 10% 8%
May - 2021
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1) RCC bridge on Barundu Khawar PK-78 Span 60
100429-Construction of 13 Nos RCC Bridges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Lakki Marwat
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 116.283 0 0 0 0 0 0 116.283 - -
May - 2021
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Construction of RCC Bridge over Chunai Nullah
100429-Construction of 13 Nos RCC Bridges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 349.12 332.689 0 0 0 0 332.689 16.431 - 95%
May - 2021
5/6 bridges completed, 1 in progress (Mayar bridge) & village Shamat pur.
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  1. RCC bridge over Kalpani Nullah on main road between village Mayar & Village Shamat Pur 30 Mspan) 3 Span
  2. Const: of RCC brdige in Gidder Mehmood Abd (27- M Span) 2 Span
  3. Cosnt: of Bride linking shamilat Zarifee and safi abad  (27- M Span) 2 Span
  4. Cosnt: or RCC bridge at Kaudoro in Mardan (27- M Span) 2 Span
  5. Cosnt: of 1 RCC Brridge at Hamza Kot RD 157000Machi Branch Mardan (24- M Span) 4 Span
  6. Cosnt: of RCC Brdige on under Const: Malandaray Masoom Baba Road (24- M Span) 2 Span
100429-Construction of 13 Nos RCC Bridges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 918.425 732.415 10 10 10 0 732.415 176.01 81% 80%
May - 2021
12 Bridges completed. 1 bridge structure completed
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100429-Construction of 13 Nos RCC Bridges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
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110388-Constn: of Abutments and Launching of Canadian Steel Bridges provided to Pak Army for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (CIDA Assisted).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 764 221.227 10 10 10 0 221.227 0 - -
May - 2021
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110388-Constn: of Abutments and Launching of Canadian Steel Bridges provided to Pak Army for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (CIDA Assisted).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
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110388-Constn: of Abutments and Launching of Canadian Steel Bridges provided to Pak Army for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (CIDA Assisted).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 174.45 0 0 0 0 0 0 174.45 - -
May - 2021
Out of 7 bridges, 6 completed, 1 Pak Army requested for launching of steel bridge.
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1) Mula Baba Bridge PK-80
2) Amankot (Rahim Abad) Bridge
3 Rahim Abd Bridge
4 Barikot (Babaji Baba Bridge)
5 Faiz Abad Bridge
6 Kuz Kalay Khwaza Khela by pass bridge
7 chinkolai Faqira Bride
110388-Constn: of Abutments and Launching of Canadian Steel Bridges provided to Pak Army for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (CIDA Assisted).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 67.825 0 0 0 0 0 0 67.825 - -
May - 2021
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1) Shah Alam bridge (180 feet)
130391-F/S, Detailed Design and Supervision for RCC Bridges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 100 10.27 10 10 10 0 10.27 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-II approved.
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130510-Feasibiilty Study, Detailed Designing and Supervision of various roads of C&W Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 100 7.473 10 10 10 0 7.473 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-II approved.
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130574-Impt/ Rehabilitation & Upgradation of 300 KM roads in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 451.062 380.305 10 10 10 9.314 389.619 60.757 87% 86%
May - 2021
Length 49 Km (85 units) - work in progress.
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  1. Construction of P.C.C Road Muhallah Dar-ul-Khair Malikpura  
  2. Constn: of Road Kuthera Road U/C Sheikulbandi  
  3. Construction of PCC Road Dana U/C Kakul
  4. PCC Road Near Janaza Gah Dhamtour
  5. Construction of PCC Road & Sewerage of Chonna Kari
  6. Construction of Kuthera Salol Bandi Doga to Dhaki Road Dozer/ Excavator work  (P.H basis)  
  7. Construction of P.C.C Road from main road Rankote to Primray School Rankote Moh:  Faizabad   
  8. Construction of Jabi Hill Sanakar Road
  9. Construction of Kalas to Panat Road  
  10. Impt:/Reh: of Beri Bagla to Leeran to Jhallan Road & Jhallan to Majhan Road  
  11. P.C.C Sangar Seena Dara Road  
  12. Construction of Road from Main Road Sufi Razaq Mohra  
  13. Re-Constn: of Nakar to Riala Road Dozer/ Excavator work (P.H basis)
  14. Constn: Nari Dana Banota to Khokarial Road Dozer/ Excavator work (P.H basis)
  15. Impt: PCC Kuthiala Gali to Rich Behn Road i/c Flood Protection Walls, U/C  Kuthiala  
  16. Impt: & PCC Mohrian to Tarhana Malkan Road, U/C Balderi  
  17.  Impt: & PCC Phagal Maira to Khattak Maira Road, UC Banda Pir Khan
  18. Impt: & PCC Pando Thana to Sargal Road i/c Talhar & Siyal, UC Pawa  
  19. Constn:  PCC Kalidhar Auchar Road, UC Banda Pir Khan.
  20. Construction of R/Wall at Salhad Barrier to Burag Road  
  21. Impt:& B/Topping of Barthem Nalothian Road length (0.7 Km)
  22. P.C.C/ Widening Retaining wall Ghari to Noor Pur U/C Lora  
  23. P.C.C/ R/Wall Haro to Narrhoter U/C   Lora  
  24. PCC/Retaining Wall Seri to Khoiyan U/C Lora  
  25. PCC/Widening/ Retaning wall Taror to Pairra U/C Seer Sharqi  
  26. Construction of PCC Behlolia  
  27. Rehabiltation of PCC Road / R/Wall at Malach Road  
  28. PCC Road Maira Mandroach to Faqir Bandi  
  29. Constn: of PCC Road/ Sewerage line Near House of Haroon Khan  
  30. Constn: of PCC Road near Iqbal Khan House Kohati Masjid Kehal  
  31. PCC Road Mohallah Charri Banda Sanjlian  
  32. Constn: of PCC Road from Beer to Banda Nabi
  33. PCC Road Allama Iqbal Town Saddat Street Road  
  34. Constn: of PCC Road Orash Colony Nawansher  
  35. Impvt: & Reh: of PCC Kali Dahar Road   
  36. Impvt: & Reh: Road Banda Khair Ali Khan Road  
  37. Impvt: & Reh: Road from Main road Mangal to Basti Akram Khan  
  38. Impvt: & Reh: Road from Mangal Chinar to Banda Pir Khan
  39. Impvt: & Reh: Road Manu De Ban Dakhli Tarhana  
  40. Impvt: & Reh: Road from Banda Pir Khan to Samaiser  
  41. Impvt: & Reh: Road KKH to Morekalan  
  42. Impvt: & Reh: of PCC Road from Mangal to Chitta Maira  
  43. Impvt: & Reh: of Banda Amlok Road  
130574-Impt/ Rehabilitation & Upgradation of 300 KM roads in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 75 0 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 73.97 1% 1%
May - 2021
Completed (8.5 Km).
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  1. Surani road to Haibak Jan
  2. Umerzai Serki Khel road
  3. Domel to Jangi Killa Zeraki Pirba Khel
  4. Marwat Cannal road to Gul Baz Khan
  5. Bannu Miranshah road to Mir Kalam Koroona
  6. Spin Filling station to Gul Badin Sardi Khel
  7. Kakki road to Bada Mir Abad
  8. Bannu to Kakki road to Bharat
  9. Main Tughal road
  10. D.I han road Nar Jaffar Main Road
  11. Bannu Commerce college to Dabak Said Khel
130574-Impt/ Rehabilitation & Upgradation of 300 KM roads in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 - -
May - 2021
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130574-Impt/ Rehabilitation & Upgradation of 300 KM roads in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 61.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 61.9 - -
May - 2021
Completed (7 Km).
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  1. Improvement & B/T of Khanano Dherai Nagrai Road 1-KM PK-22
  2. Improvement & B/T of Yakh Dara Road (0.50 KM) PK-21
  3. Improvement & B/T of Ladwan Road (0.500 KM) PK-21
  4. Improvement & B/T of Bajkata Maizary Road (0.50 KM) PK-21
  5. Improvement & B/T of Dewana Baba Khaista Baba  Road 0.50 KM PK-21
  6. Improvement/Up-Gradation  & B/T of Amnawar Shalbandai Road 3-KM PK-21
  7. PCC Road Poland (0.50 KM) PK-20
  8. PCC Road Salarzao Maira (0.50 KM) PK-20
  9. PCC Palwarai road PK-20
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