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Annual Development Review

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Progressive Review for the month(s) of : May - 2021,

Showing Page Number : 16 of 69

Code Scheme Name District of Location Commen. Comple. PC - I Status Status
Orignnal / Revised
PFY Expenditure Original
Releases Expenditure Acc. Expenditure Throw Forward Targets Achievements Remarks Images
160593-Upgradation of 50 Primary Schools to Middle level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 21 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-I/DCE submitted to Edu Deptt.
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160593-Upgradation of 50 Primary Schools to Middle level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 21 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 29.294 20.101 12.116 12.116 12.116 12.095 32.196 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
02- Units 1. i- MB Roof level. Ii- B/W S/Structure in progress. 2- GF Column in progress.
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1) GPS Tanoorona UC Bazar PK-49  .?. Rs; 16.132 M
2) GGPS Fazal Aziz Banda Pk-48 shifted to GGPS Alo No.3 Janga..?. Rs; 13.062 M
160593-Upgradation of 50 Primary Schools to Middle level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 21 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 40.894 20.206 9.982 9.982 9.982 7.474 27.68 10.706 74% 68%
May - 2021
03- Units 1. Finishing 2. Site not yet handed over 3. H/O TS Submitted
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1) GGPS Manai PK-13? RS. 11.160 M
2) GGPS Hoti khel? Rs: 15.234 M
3. GPS Khurabad Rashaki? Rs: 14.500 M
160593-Upgradation of 50 Primary Schools to Middle level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 21 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 612.5 316.114 117.19 117.19 0 0 316.114 179.196 71% 52%
May - 2021
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160593-Upgradation of 50 Primary Schools to Middle level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 21 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 29.98 27.051 0.594 0.594 0.594 0 27.051 2.335 92% 90%
May - 2021
03- Units, 1. Handover 2. Handover 3. AA.Awaited not yet approved.
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1) GPS Achar PK-87
2) GPS Kahoo
3. GPS korora (AA Awaited)
160593-Upgradation of 50 Primary Schools to Middle level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 21 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 12.7 6.35 7.257 7.257 7.257 6.321 12.671 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
01- Unit Finishing stage
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GPS Mada Khel
160593-Upgradation of 50 Primary Schools to Middle level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 21 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 22.32 17.282 6.264 6.264 6.264 0.979 18.261 0 100% 82%
May - 2021
2 units - 1. Finishing stage 2. GPS Bakoor completed.
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1) GGPS Banjot CM Directive Pk-04 .?. Rs: 11.16 M
2) GPS Bakoor CM Directive Pk-09 .?. Rs: 11.16 M
160593-Upgradation of 50 Primary Schools to Middle level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 21 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 12.736 3.447 14.799 14.799 14.799 12.3 15.747 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
02- Units 1- Main building - flooring in progress. Lav block roof laid. 2- Work order issued.
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1) GGPS village Akbari Gul Rehman Koroona PK-69 ? Rs: 12.403 M
2. GGPS Kalu Prinagi ? Rs: 12.403 M
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 82.428 56.458 12.777 12.777 12.777 10.072 66.53 13.193 84% 81%
May - 2021
03- Units 1. Dev: work Completed Main Build: roof laid 2. Main Build: 1st floor and Exmaintaion hall top beam in progess 3. Dropped
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1) GMS Dabban
 2) GMS Hazeera
3. GGMS Banda Sahib Khan
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 70.399 51.515 10.45 10.45 10.45 7.088 58.603 8.434 88% 83%
May - 2021
02-Units 1. Completed & H/O 2. M/B G/1st Floor roof liad, BB work in progress, B/wall in finishing stage. Examination Hall roof laid.
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GMS Ghajan Ismail Khani PK-73 .?.?. (TS 31.623)
GMS Umer Khan Mama Khel
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 44.246 0 13.106 13.106 13.106 11.202 11.202 31.14 30% 25%
May - 2021
01- Unit Main Building upto roof level Dev: work in progress
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GGMS BIlandkot
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-I/DCE for Rs.16.581 m submitted to DEO M on 30/
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Govt Middle School (Boys) Biam Dara
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-I/DCE for Rs.34.011 m submitted to DEO Male.
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1) Upgradation of 1 No middle school to high level (PK59)
2) GMS at Maira Umarzai (Pk-57)? Rs: 34.011 M
3) GMS Sadat Abad Maira Utmanzai (PK-57)
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
Identification of site awaited.
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160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
Dir Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 37.103 7.967 17.708 17.708 17.708 14.467 22.434 11.428 69% 60%
May - 2021
1 unit - FF-SS in progress.
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GMS Nasrat PK-91
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 124.178 89.058 86.386 86.386 86.386 86.381 175.439 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
6- Units - 3- Units finishing in progress. 3- Procurement is under process.
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1) GGMS Jhamra PK-40   
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 21.247 0 0 0 0 0 0 21.247 - -
May - 2021
Work order issued. Site not yet handed over.
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GGMS Official Colony PK-40
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
Lakki Marwat
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 56.247 7.82 48.427 48.427 48.427 31.201 39.021 0 100% 69%
May - 2021
03- Units 1. Foundation in progress 2- Pressure pump complted, C/Wall 70% complted. MB = roof laid. 3. M.Buld. Over all completed
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1. GGMS Matora .?. Rs; 18.749 M (TS 19.857)
2. GGMS Jhang Khel .?. Rs; 18.749 M (TS 19.954)
3. GGMS Abdul Khel .?. Rs; 18.749 M
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-I/DCE for Rs.18.535 m (GMS Chanial UC Parhina)
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1) GMS Chanial UC Parhina
2) GM Salyala S/T GMS Nika Pani
3  GGMS Bagrain
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 46.14 0 19.91 19.91 19.91 0 0 26.23 43%
May - 2021
03- Units 1. Dec sent 2. DEC sent 3. Layout given
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1) GGMS Baghdada PK-33
2) GMS Cheena Pk-49
3) GMS Hussai Umar Abad Pk-55
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 32.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 32.97 - -
May - 2021
01-Unit Tender cancelled due to non availability of site. PC-I submitted for site shifting.
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1) GGMS Nawan Killi PK-14
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 1709.4 316.985 250 250 0 0 316.985 1142.415 33% 19%
May - 2021
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160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 34.288 0 12.791 12.791 12.791 8.939 8.939 21.497 37% 26%
May - 2021
02- Units 1. S/Stri in progres 2. AA awaited
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1) GMS Sangarai PK-23
2. GMS Ateesh Kotkay
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 27.048 0.77 15.628 15.628 15.628 15.628 16.398 10.65 61% 61%
May - 2021
01- Unit Roof level in progress
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GMS Naik Nam
160594-Upgradation of 50 Middle Schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 22 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 60.046 25.479 31.432 31.432 31.432 14.051 39.53 3.135 95% 66%
May - 2021
02 units - work in progress 1. Main Building completed, B/Wall in progress. 2. Completed
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1. GGMS Gal Shah
2. GGMS ashary
160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 40 0 4 4 4 0 0 36 10% -
May - 2021
01- Unit Work order issued site not yet handed over. One site identified, but shifting of electric poles involve
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GGHS Beeran Gali PK-48
160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 35 0 32 32 32 27.118 27.118 3 91% 77%
May - 2021
03- Units 1- G/F Roof laid 2 FF Roof laid 3. B/Wall Completed
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1) GGHS Rajjar PK-58? Rs:
2) GHS Hissar U/C Hissara (Pk-57)? Rs: 33.275 M
3) GGHS Muslim Abad Shakoor (Pk-56) ? Rs: 33.354 M (TS 27.865)
160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-I/DCE for Rs.76.840 m submitted to DEO Male on
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GHSS Gara Essa Khan village Sagu
160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
Dir Lower
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 77.562 56.113 0 0 0 0 56.113 21.449 - 72%
May - 2021
02- Units 1. Completed & H/O 2. Finshing in progress PC-IV Submitted.
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1) GHS Pingal PK-94 .?. Rs: 38.781 M
2) GHS Shalkandai .?. Rs: 38.781 M
160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
Dir Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 31.202 13.071 7.06 7.06 7.06 5.532 18.603 11.071 65% 60%
May - 2021
1 unit - Layout given and work started.
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1) GHS Osorai PK-92
160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 32.936 20.017 6.141 6.141 6.141 6.123 26.14 6.778 79% 79%
May - 2021
Finishing in progress Demand Rs: 6 M
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1) GHS Gurguri PK-40
160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 121.169 0 93.82 93.82 93.82 47.075 47.075 27.349 77% 39%
May - 2021
4- Units 1. S/Strcture in progres 2. Finishing 3. Foundation in progress 4. Bore Hole Completed
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1) GCHS Kohat PK-82? Rs. 28.701 M
2) GCMHS No. 04 Kohat? Rs. 28.701 M
3. GHS Kaghazai ? Rs. 28.701M
4. GGHS College Abadli? Rs. 35.066 M
160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
Lakki Marwat
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 276.245 13.466 119.586 119.586 119.586 92.595 106.061 143.193 48% 38%
May - 2021
07- Units 1. Foundation in progress 2. Foundation in progress 3. Foundation in progress 4. Foundation in progress 5. Foundation in progress 6. C/wall, P/Pump completed, 1st floor roof laid, plastering in progres 7. Mian bldg: marble in progree, p/pump completed, lav: block complete, internal electrication in progresss
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1. GGHS Masha Mansoor .?. Rs; 35.981 M
2. GGHS Taja Zai .?. Rs; 35.981 M
3. GGHS Tajori .?. Rs; 35.107 M
4. GGHS Zangi Khel .?. Rs; 35.107 M
5. GHS Behram Khel .?. Rs; 35.981 M
6. GHS Adam Zai .?. Rs; 35.981 M (TS 32.269)
7. GHS Titter Khel? .?. Rs; 35.981 M (TS 38.082)
160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-I/DCE for Rs.18.685 m submitted to DEO
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160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 27.695 8.767 15.649 15.649 15.649 14.232 22.999 3.279 88% 83%
May - 2021
03- Unit 1. DCE Sent 2. DCE sent 3. Finishing in progress
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1) GGHS Qasim Toru Maira PK-51
2. 01 Nos in Pk-52
3. GGHS Qasim Toru Maira ? Rs: 27.695
160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 31.464 0 30.027 30.27 30.027 15.44 15.44 1.437 95% 49%
May - 2021
01-Unit Roof laid, Plastering in progress
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GHS Jehangira road shifted to GHS Mughlaki
160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 1600 336.718 250 250 0 0 336.718 1013.282 37% 21%
May - 2021
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160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 - -
May - 2021
Tender under process.
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1) GHS Pagorai PK-23
160595-Upgradation of 50 High Schools to Higher Secondary level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 18 units)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 107.212 63.288 38.738 38.738 38.738 27.286 90.574 5.186 95% 84%
May - 2021
4 Units - Work in progress 1 Flooring in progress 2 F/F, S/Str: in progress 3 Finising in progress 4 Main Building finihsing in progress, B/Wall in porgress
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1. GHS Matta .?. Rs: 26.803 M
2. GHS Chuprail .?. Rs: 26.803 M
3. GHS Bar Dursshela .?. Rs: 26.803 M
4. GGHS Sakhara .?. Rs: 26.803 M
170204-Reconstruction of 100 Middle Schools (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 66 units).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 11.73 8.151 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.232 11.383 0 100% 97%
May - 2021
01- Unit Finishing stage Main building - completed
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GMS Jahan Noor Narmi Khel Bakka Khel PK-72 .?.?. (TS 12.503)
170204-Reconstruction of 100 Middle Schools (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 66 units).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-I/DCE for Rs.13.367 m AA awaited.
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1. GMS No.2 Charsadda PK-59? Rs: 13.367 M
2. GHS Charsadda Khas PK-59? Rs: 33.353 M
170204-Reconstruction of 100 Middle Schools (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 66 units).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
Identification of site.
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170204-Reconstruction of 100 Middle Schools (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 66 units).
Dir Lower
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 74.69 0 67 67 67 46.985 46.985 7.69 90% 63%
May - 2021
04- Units 1. Old building not yet dismantled 2. work order issued site handed over in Jan 2021 3. roof level 4. DPC leavel Cannnot be completed due to Late site hand over
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1. GMS Damtal
2. GMS Dafoor
3. GMS Bambolai
4. GMS Khungai
170204-Reconstruction of 100 Middle Schools (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 66 units).
Dir Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 15.458 7.934 9 9 9 1.371 9.305 0 100% 60%
May - 2021
1 unit - Dismentling in progress.
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GHS Chukiatan (middle portion) PK-91
170204-Reconstruction of 100 Middle Schools (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 66 units).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
DCE submitted DEO (M) Hangu.
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Reconstruction of GMS at Anar China Hangu
170204-Reconstruction of 100 Middle Schools (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 66 units).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 33.84 4.859 9.047 9.047 9.047 4.704 9.563 19.934 41% 28%
May - 2021
Work in progress.
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GHS No.3 Middile portion Pk-40
170204-Reconstruction of 100 Middle Schools (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 66 units).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-I/DCE for Rs.13.462 m submitted on 06/12/2017.
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1 No in Karak
170204-Reconstruction of 100 Middle Schools (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 66 units).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-I/DCE submitted.
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Kohistan (1 No MS)
170204-Reconstruction of 100 Middle Schools (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 66 units).
Lakki Marwat
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 44.96 14.5 35.03 35.03 35.03 24.882 39.382 0 100% 88%
May - 2021
04- Units 1. Main Bld:, P/Pump completed, main bld: flooring completed 2. P/Pump completed, main bld: flooring completed 3. Completed 4. P/Pump completed, main bld: flooring completed
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1. GMS Nar Surana Takhti Khel .?. Rs; 12.640 M (TS 13.792)
2. GMS Badni Khel .?. Rs; 10.140 M
3. GMS Ghazi Khel .?. Rs; 10.140 M (TS 10.769)
4. GMS Wazir Kalla .?. Rs; 10.140 M
170204-Reconstruction of 100 Middle Schools (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (less 66 units).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
PC-I/DCE for Rs.12.311 m submitted to DEO
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GMS Sokal UC Shanaya PK-33
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